約400年前、「傾き者(かぶきもの)」と呼ばれた踊り子がいた。その独創的な感性による衣装や踊りは、異端とされつつも大衆の心を捉えた。時代とともに様々な変遷を経ながら磨き上げられた芸の数々は、今日「 歌舞伎 」と称され、世界を魅了する文化芸術にまでなっている。ロックストーンの創設者である、家具デザイナーの岩倉榮利は人・モノ・空間の調和を「生活デザイン」という独自の思想で語る。様々な素材や職人との出会いにより、日々挑戦し続ける新しい創作活動の根底は自らの信念に基づく「本能的な確信」と「イマジネーション」である。
In Japan where original beauty sense and sensibility exist, designs that create “beautiful life” are generated by “natural sensibility” and stimulate “natural sensibility.”
About 400 years ago, there was a dancer called “kabukimono.” Her costumes and dances based on her creative and original sensibility were regarded as different and unorthodox but strongly appealed to people in those days. Her performances went through various transitions with times and polished up. Today, they are called “kabuki” and became Japanese culture and art that attract people all over the world. The founder of Rockstone and a furniture designer, Eiri Iwakura, expresses the harmony between human, goods and space based on his original concept, “life design.” At the bottom of his never ending creative activities, there lie “instinctive confidence” and “imagination” based on his own belief.
DESIGNER 岩倉榮利 家具デザイナー(1948-2019)
1981年、その具現化であるデザイナーズ・ブランドROCKSTONEを創立する。以来、1990年代に飛騨高山の家具職人とのコラボレーションから始まった「Takayama Wood Works」、2000年代には桐箪笥の伝統工芸を現代に活かした「KAMO」、山林地域の間伐材利用に取り組んだ「Totsukawa Living」、東京の家具職人による匠の粋を結晶化した「tobi」などの商品開発とブランディングを手がける。それら、生み出された製品やブランドは `95、`98、`05、`06、`11、`15年度グッドデザイン賞など国内外で数々を受賞。著書に「本能のデザイン岩倉榮利 椅子に生きる」(実業之日本社)など。
Eiri Iwakura furniture designer (1948-2019)
With strong intentions of creating a total well-being lifestyle design that harmonises people, objects and space through furniture, Eiri Iwakura founded ROCKSTONE, a furniture brand that embodies his vision in 1981. Since then, the company has developed a variety of products and numerous branding of domestic furniture brands, including Takayama Wood Works, which began in the 1990s as a collaboration with furniture craftsmen in Hida Takayama; KAMO, which utilises the traditional craft of Kiri-dansu (paulownia chest) in the 2000s; Totsukawa Living, which uses wood from forest thinning in Totsukawa Village; and the Tokyo-based furniture brand Tobi, which crystallises the spirit of master craftsmanship by Tokyo furniture craftsmen. These products and brands have won numerous awards in Japan and overseas, including the Good Design Awards in 1995, 1998, 2005, 2006, 2011 and 2003. Author of “Eiri Iwakura, Instinct of design: Livings and Chairs” (Jitsugyo no Nihon Sha, Ltd.) etc.
HISTORY ロックストーンの歴史
[Shibuya PARCO] during the late 1970’s has lead the forefront of the mode fashion of Japan. Eiri Iwakura started his own shop as a tenant in the interior brand building [PARCO Part Ⅲ] where he was actually the space director during its establishment. In 1981, the shop became the birthplace of his original furniture brand, ROCKSTONE.
In the early 1980’s, although there were some name brands imported from overseas, the value interior design and furniture were still not highly recognized in Japan, and there were no modern furniture from Japan with high design ability, In such background, ROCKSTONE took the lead in the mode fashion industry through providing furniture with advanced usage of materials with creative forms and a cool presence, to various apparel shops and hair salons.
また、翌年の1982年に自らの活動拠点であった代官山にショールームをオープンさせ、同年に発表した「KARAS highstool」が当時の”カフェバーブーム”とも相まって大ヒットとなり、代官山発信のモードなファニチャーブランドとしてロックストーンは一躍その名を広めることになりました。その他、「KAMUI」「KABUTO」「KIMIKO」など、独特な世界観を持つ製品達を次々と発表し続け、80年代にデザインされた製品のその多くは現在でもロックストーンブランドの代表的製品として製造・販売されています。
ROCKSTONE in 1982 opened a showroom in its activity base, Daikanyama, and in the same year, [Karas highstool] became a hit with the ‘café Bar Boom’, broadening the furniture brand itself. Other unique products, such as [Kamui] [Kabuto] [Kimiko] followed the production in the 80’s, and has become the products that represent the ROCKSTONE brand up till this day.
1990年代に入ると岩倉は「BABYLON」「TAKAYAMA WOOD WORKS」など自社以外の様々なブランド開発に注力。さらにバブル崩壊という時代の影響も受け、転換期にあったロックストーンブランドは一時期その活動を潜めた。
In 1990, Iwakura starts to put focus on establishing other brands such as [Babylon] and [TAKAYAMA WOOD WORKS], and during the period of transition caused by the economic depression, ROCKSTONE will temporarily ease its activity.
It was around year 2000 when ROCKSTONE reactivates by attending various exhibitions in Japan, as in 2005 when the interior boom in Japan had reached its peak, Iwakura launched a showroom in collaboration with life style shop [LAUNE Omotesando.] “Beauty of Japanese Aesthetics” being the concept of LUANE’s merchandising, ROCKSTONE’s brand and design has appealed its presence amongst the furniture products selected from all over the world.
In 2007, the company underwent an organizational change and became known as ROCKSTONE CO., LTD. In 2008, the headquarters were relocated from Omotesando to Komaba. Under the leadership of the founder and executive designer, Eiri Iwakura, Rockstone launched its new branding activities.
In 2012, ROCKSTONE has reached its 30th anniversary since its establishment, and in the following year has opened a showroom in Living Design Center OZONE Shinjuku, and in JSWB Shanghai, as the first brand from Japan to open a showroom.
In 2014, a new showroom shop [ROCKSTONE Kanazawa] is established in Kanazawa, The showroom shop mainly equips ROCKSTONE brand products, with additional related items from the area of furniture, lighting fixtures, fabric and small ornaments that further propose Eiri Iwakura’s world of design.
In 2016, a new project is developed in Makuden Nagoya with “IWAKURA DESIGN COLLECTION”, displaying all representative product of ROCKSTONE as “ROCKSTONE・NAGOYA”, a showroom/shop that embodies the brand image.
To commemorate the 50th anniversary of Eiri Iwakura's design career, the "Eiri Iwakura's World: Design of Instinct - 50YEARS, 50CHAIRS" exhibition was held at Tokyo Living Design Center OZONE, Shinjuku.
シリーズ【READY-MADE】を発表、同年シリーズ【BENTWOOD CHAIR】を発表しました。国産広葉樹を使い、サスティナブルな家具環境づくりにトライする。
During the same year, the "READY-MADE" series was introduced, followed by the release of the "BENTWOOD CHAIR" series. These chairs were made using domestically sourced hardwood, showcasing Rockstone's commitment to creating a sustainable furniture environment.
- 会社名
- 株式会社 ロックストーン (ROCKSTONE CO.,LTD.)
- 設立
- 2003年 7月 25日
- 資本金
- 3000万円
- 代表取締役社長
- 松成 健司
- 専務取締役デザイナー
- 岩倉 秋夫
- 取引銀行
- きらぼし銀行
- 所在地
- 〒 150-0001 東京都渋谷区神宮前3丁目6番5号
- 03-6271-1619(代) / 03-6271-1629
- 事業内容
インテリアデザイン、リフォームプランニング、空間プロデュース等。 - お問い合わせ
- info@rockstone.co.jp
PARTNER SHOP パートナーショップ